Session 12: The Clothing of the Prophet ﷺ and How he Used to Sit

During this session we looked at the lower garment of the Prophet ﷺ and touched upon it’s length and what he said regarding that. We also reviewed the way he ﷺ used to walk and what that tells us about his personality. Additionally, we looked at some of the different ways he ﷺ used to sit so we can emulate him even in our sitting position.

Session 7: The White Hairs on the Prophet ﷺ and him using Kohl

During this session we looked at the number of white hairs the Prophet ﷺ had, their location, and what he did with them. We also looked at the reason he had white hairs, and compared that to ourselves. Additionally, we looked at how, when, and why he would apply kohl (antimony) to his eyes.